Thursday, October 06, 2005

Why is the question , the big question. Why is it that the people in this country who have worked all of their lives and now in their retirement years have to still work , b ecause they can't afford to pay for the medicine that they need. I have met some couples that alternate in buying their medicines. One month she gets to buy her's and the next month her husband gets to buy his. They can't afford to buy both in one month . WHY ? The cost would be $1000.00 dollars. per month every month. A doctor told me that he perscribes medicine for his patients and knows that they can't afford to buy them. WHY is this ? can some one give me an answer.

This country has people coming in from south of our border. They get MEDICAL TREATMENT for FREE. medcine for FREE, food for FREE housing for FREE and money for FREE . Thanks to the Welfare DEPT.
plus they have a job , and then they send seventy five percent of that money back SOUTH OF THE BORDER.. They live on Tortilla and beans and produce more children to get more money from our Government which it gives gladly to these sneak in's .. But to the people who have worked hard and made a contribution to this Country they get nothing. If they own a house or land they are not qualified. They have paid tax's all of their lives to help make this country great . And now they get a KICK IN THE ASS for doing so. The sneak in have given nothing to this country but are SUCKING IT DRY , the don't even want to learn ENGLISH , and want every thing done in their language. I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHY??? Can any one give me a answer.

Peter B. Free


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