Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A small wingless biting insect, that infests beds, etc. etc. etc.

It was reported on the morning news the other day that New York City's Hotel's were infested with these bedbugs. and have been sued by some people that have stayed in an infested hotel. The infestation is not confined to the bed , they also migrate to the rugs and drapes and furniture , to my knowledge. Where do they come from , Well thats a hygiene problem, and it comes from people who are not to clean. But then the House keeping department of the hotel is not doing its job in their cleaning of the rooms and bedding. Years ago you may have heard of a very low end Hotel/motel have a bedbug problem. How would this even get started ? Well lets look at the past some . Years ago the Hotels were all owned by Americans and American Corporations, and were run by American managers who knew what to do and the Head house keeper was an American who knew what to do and when to do it and so did her American staff.

But in the past fifteen years these Hotels/Motels have been bought, by people from a foreign country most times that country is a third world country and they sell Oil. and there you have either rich or dirt poor. The poor in these countries have not seen a commode or know what it is for. In Germany these people who migrated there use the commode to store there potatoes. God knows where they did their toilet. But now they are here working for a corporation who sponserd them to this country. and the Co.'s position is to do as much work at the least cost. The Head house keeper in most cases dosen't know what to do or how to do it right. Her staff is worse in the knowledge of cleaning. The management gives these people a quart bottle of water with a half ounce of cleaning liquid of some kind , and it is suppose to clean everything including the bathroom . and it is supposed to last the girl for the ten rooms or more that she has to clean. The bedding is probably not changed and washed , maybe once a week. The carpet is probably cleaned once a year and should be done at least every two months. Bowl cleaner and bleach and lysol need to be used in the bathrooms. And that ladies and Gentelmen of the traveling public is why there is lice and bedbugs in the Hotels/Motels , not only in New York city but all across the country . Their in the taxi's ,buses, trains and planes and in car rentals. These business are foreign owned, foreign run, and foreign staffed who don't know dippy dew about cleaning.

What makes me know so much about cleaning you ask.?
Well I've been in the janitorial business for the past thirty years and owned a Janitorial service for the past twenty five years , and my wife was the Head House Keeper for the Holiday Inn Corp. for five years.
That's how I know.

Heres a tip for you , when you go to check into a Hotel/Motel and your feet stick to the floor in the lobby and your butt sticks to the toilet seat. Sleep in the car. Good luck

Peter B. Free


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