Sunday, November 06, 2005

A Geezer and the Morning Sun.

It's Sunday morning and I went out side for the fresh air. The sun morning sun felt warm on my face , and I thought I'd go native. Take my slippers off you know , and go bare foot, and walk on the grass. I got a few feet from the concrete and in stead of going off in deep thought , I started to go , Ow , ow and oooo , oooo, and ouch , I quikly made it back to the cement , and cussed the grass burrs. they hurt , ya know. I decided that it was in my best interest to stay where I was and keep my walking around the pool . It was a warm morning and all I had on was my robe and undies. I was comfortable . As I walked around the pool my wife came out in her robe and flashed me a leg . She said " It's good to live in the country with no neighbors, isant it " I flashed her my chest and said "Yeah." I'm seventy years and seven months and six day's old and my wife is sixty eight years and two months and three day's old. We let our robes drop to the ground ,the hell with the dirt, and walked towards each other. At this time in life thats the best we can do. We met in the middle by our lounge chairs, her, hers and mine, mine , or what ever, and took a recling rest position in the warm sun. Laying there in our scivvies ,soaking up the warm sunshine felt good. My wife spoke again. " It's cool laying here in the sun . " I said " Yeah , especially when the wind blow's , then its really cool." Shut up she said." Eighteen and a half minutes later , I know that to be a fact , by the clock on my blood preasure monitor, I looked up into the clear blue cloudless sky and said to my wife " I think we had better go inside the house . She said " Why , are we getting sunburnt." I said "No , the buzzards are circuling and so are the fly's. " Once in side , we made our selves a Geritol cocktail with a shot of vodka , and watched reruns of " You bet your LIfe." After a couple of those cocktails we both looked fifty years younger to each other , to bad our bodies didn't feel the same. But even so we started to get silly with each other. After a while it was like two dogs chasing a car, once the car stopped they didn't know what to do with it. Back to the Tv watching , a while later my wife said , " On the news yesterday morning they made a report about chickens, from the time that they are hatched to the time they are processed." Still speaking " When they are hatched in a giant incubator they are then shipped by the thousand's to a feeding farm . These little chicklings are then placed in a cage , four to a cage. They are forced fed for three months ,then they are about the size of a year old chicken. The reason that they grow so fast is that their feed is laced with steriods and a growth hormone plus antibodies and vitiamans. Their bodies are forced to grow, faster than nature intended.

When these chickens are three months old , they are gathered up and brought to the processing plant. Here they are processed for human consumption. What can't be eaten by us is made into animal feed or fertlizer. AT the grocery store we buy these chickens , raw , baked ,boiled , fried , cooked , and rotisseried. " So what you say." I say maybe we should watche what we eat , or at least how much we eat, or know what is in what we eat. The growth hormone and steriods and antibodies do not wash out of the meat, it is then passed on to us. The growth hormone and the steriods make our bodies grow maybe thats good and maybe thats bad. Think of a rubber band that stretches , it gets weaker as it gets longer , and then snap. This could leave us open to unknown disease's ,antibiotic's the same the germs build up an inmunity from them.

Now some of you may say " Fooey, that man don't know what he's talking about. That could be. I'm just going on experience. I use to spray with pestecides. and some of those chemicals would and could be absorbed into your body through your skin. It happens almost everyday. Another case in point.

In England about three decades ago , there is a small river out side this village. The fishing was always good for the sport fisherman. There was no problem catching any number you wanted , they of course threw back what they didn't need for dinner. After a while in the early seventies the catches became less and less. The sport fishermen started to complaine about their poor harvast and sport catching. A Biologist heard about their complaint and started an investigation. It took him a few weeks to find out what the problem was. The fish were not reproducing. Why was the question now. A few weeks later he found out that the treated water from the sewer plant was going into the river. But that shouldn't bother the fish. Analyzing the water before and after it entered the sewer plant , he found that there was a chemical in there that women take for birth control . He proved that women , when they take the birth control products and when they urinate it out it all goes into and through the sewer system and into the river. It doesn't break down , it stay's at full strenth. and that is why the fish didn.t reproduce. What they did about that , I don't know. As you can see , chemicals are passed around , from human to animal , from animal to human.
You be your own judge.

Me , at this point in time I'll just keep on eating chicken. I figure that by the time I'm ninety, and with all the preservatives we eat, I'll be eight feet tall, and weight nine hundred pounds, and I wont decay.
I figure my kids will either prop me up on my tomb stone , or use me to hold a sign for a garage sale. Might even sell me.

Just some Geezer ramblings

Peter B. Free


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