Monday, January 02, 2006


I agree with Rep Sam Johnson of Plano Texas, about the use of torture, but not in random acts for sadistical pleasure or revenge. If it is known that a prisoner has vital information that would bring about the close of a war or an attack , that would save the live's of soldiers on both sides , and the lives of innocent men , women and children , and the distruction of their homes and lively hood. I'm for it . It should be done. What is worse , the death and maiming soldiers and civilians , forcing the men who are to old to fight and the women and cildren to live on the street as refugees with no food ,water , shelter ,or clothes. and to live that way for who knows how long. I know of these people , my wife was one of them in the second world war. As a child on the move , she has told me how she and her sisters would beg for food, sleep in a door way , and play a game with dead bodies , match the body parts to the body. I have lived with men and their families who had fought in the first world war to the viet nam war . And their night mares were all the same .

So tell me now , which would be best to have one man scream in pain and save hundreds perhaps thousands from a different kind of torture, or to let him live as a P O W with all the comforts the others wont have in the future.

And if he should tell the secrets that he knows that would bring a conflict to an end , give this man the best medical treatment that can be had both physical and mental . Reguard this man as a hero in our land and his, for he has saved hundreds of lives. And let him and his family live with out want, because of the terrible pain he has endured and has to live with, and the feeling that he is a traitor to his country.

What do you think?

Peter B. Free


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