Monday, January 02, 2006


I have been reading the comic strips since I was able to look at the pictures and have some one read them to me. I remember as a child , that there use to be a man on radio , on Saturday mornings who would read the comics to us little kids. And not once did I hear of anything POLITICAL . I don't remember any strip as being POLITICAL in any way. A POLITICAL comic strip is not for children , unless it is aimed at brainwashing children to gain future point of view for a certain Political party.

Children don't understand the Political barbs that these strips send out nor should they. My Question now is , Why aren't these POLITICAL comic strips on the Political page of the new paper or the Editorial page where they belong. Strips like Candor ville , Doonsberry, and Boondocks. I read the comic strips for amusement not for Poiltical commentary.

Peter B. Free


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