Sunday, January 22, 2006


Onec again the fearles leader of New Orleans has gotten himself into hot water. a few weeks ago he complained about the Mexicans coming in a taking jobs away from the Black Americans . these jobs were clean up the damage of homes and start to rebuild . of course these jobs were dangerous to health but these people were willing to take that chance. The Black Americans didn't even bother to come back and look for a job Why work when you have free room and board. Mr. Mayor , they didn't have or want a job before when they had a place to live and a bottle of wine. Why should they now. The Gov't taking care of them as before.

Now he wants a chocolate city, mean while the Mexicans who are rebuilding the city are moving in . and before this he has been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. he and the chief of police both of whom are African Americans, have been claiming and getting funding from the Federal Government mony for PHANTOM police officers. According to the liberal press , about 700 of them. The Good Mayor said that the money was being used for electronics to help control crime. I don't think that has help to much since they are the highest city in the UNITED STATES in crime. Let's see if you take the salary of a police officer say 20,000.00 per year and times it by 700 Thats an awful lot of computers and camera's . NO. Me thinks that some of this money , alright most of this money was falling into some political pockets like the Mayor , and the Poilce Chief. I havent heard the liberal democratic press do any yelling about this . I wonder why. Maybe its their boy and they are getting some good donations from this. And they are bringing Tom Delay up on charges of supposed money laundrying . Doesnt it make you wonder?? since it was only mentioned once that I know of on all of the News stations. I can see why he wants his people back , they cause the crime and he can justify the money, Can you see it now a Manikin on every street corner dressed as a police man. complete with fake gun . Maybe he should get some fake bad guy's too. just to keep the A C L U happy and just maybe the police chief would like the mayor to keep his mouth shut. They had a good thing going until Katrina came along , its showing where a lot of federal money is not going. is it not?

There should be an investigation into this I think . Who could lead this investigation, Joe Biden nah , Ten Kennedy nah , he has blood on his hands , Bill Clinton , maybe , he knows about bribes and graft and the meaning of is ,so does his wife. Jesse Jackson , he has a child out of wed lock , his secretary I think How about Al Sharpten I think thats how you spell his name , he and his buddy put FOUR POLICE OFFICERS in prison on false charges. How about the lawyer who brought Tom Delay up on charges . thats a thought. It can't be a Repubican , the roar will go up that they are out for vengence or something along that line.

Its a dilemma isn't it.



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