Sunday, February 19, 2006


Sleep ,sleep, my sweet and you will be mine when you wake.
While we sleep in our complacency and the distractions of war , fire ,and flood, hold our attention. The underlying agencies of Government are at work. To wit. There is a bill that is being passed or has been and already approved by a majority of states . It is called "THE NATIONAL REGISTRATION OF ALL FARM ANIMALS". It states that any and all farm animals MUST BE REGISTERED. and when that animal is taken off the farm , for either a live stock show, a FFA project that some of our children are in , taken to market for slaughter, a rodeo , trail ride, or for what ever reason Government forms will have to be made out on each animal detailing that animal , ie: age , place of birth, destination , rason for leaving, etc,etc,. and which animal is it . They all look alike ,you know. The paper work for this would be over whelming for any company let alone for a farmer and worse for a cattle farmer who have herds of hundreds , and some with thousands of cattle. The cost of doing the paper work would put the small farmer out of business, and if that didn't the penalities of not filing the paper work or a mistake , would impose costly financial penalities on him . Thus forcing the farmer to find other means of earning a living. So what you say.. Well here's your so what. your cost of a good steak and a big Mac. just doubled , if not tripled , if your lucky to find one.
Control the food and you control the masses.
Call your congressman and your senators to have this bill stopped. It's your stomach.

And here is something else for you to worry about.
The taking away of private property by a Government agency and GIVEN TO PRIVATE ENTERPRISE , for their use . For example : A large business wants your property so it can build a football stadium. You and your neighbors turn down their financial offers . The business turns to the local Government , the local Gov't condems your property, you get next to nothing , if anything at all. It's then sold to the big business, so they can build their stadium. It has happened. In Arizona , a mining co . is having the Gov't condem land so they can mine the copper thats underneath. Copper is selling at an all time high right now. Think of the people who have worked hard for that land , only to have it taken away from them for less than what they paid for it. Just think that if you had a house built on the land that you bought and paid for , your dream house. And the Government comes along and condems it , and gives the land to a big corporation for a parking lot. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL.

With each passing day , small obscure Gov't agencies are eating away at our feedoms.

Wake up America. We may have passed by 1984 , but it is catching up to us.

Peter B. Free


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