Thursday, July 27, 2006

Summer bugs

I was thinking the other day about the bugs that we have during the summer. Some fly around and bite or sting you , while others crawl up your leg and do the same. Some times the bite or sting is poisonous to us ..Now our Goverments , of Federal ,state and city spray for these critters if there not on the endangered list. When you call the Federal E.P.A. to see if these poisonous sprays are alright for the Humans around you get a yes , from the High School drop out with a G E D , working as a G 2 in the agency.
The question and answer session might sound like this.
Mr. G2. did you investigate the effect of the spray's on people.?
" Yeah Sir , I call's the local poisonous spray man, and he's told me that he sprayed his kid last week and his kid is still alive. So's it ok to spray's the bug poison."
" Mr G2 , it say's here on the bottle from the manufacture that the poison will effect the nervous system of bugs and animals and humans , and this other say's it will attack the liver and other internal organs of the human body , not to spray near humans or any live stock , or near ponds or creeks , may kill fish."
"Mr. I'm the G2 , I's the Goverment , we knows whats good for the peoples. Any mo questions like dat an I have the I.R.S . investigates you."

A few years ago New York City and the counties out side of N.Y.C sprayed for the mosquito that carried the West Nile Virus. The Government agency's said that it was not harmful to pets or humans. But bring all your pets inside and their toys , bring your children inside and their toys and to bring in all of your lawn funiture and to cover up your car. If it wasn't harmful why did the people have to stay inside. pets and all. It was also said that it was not harmful to fish , or to shell fish.
That was a lie . the next year the fishing industry in and around New York City and Long Island went under. The poison spray's had polluted the sourrounding waters of Long Island Sound and the harbors of New York City because of the run off from rains , which carried the poison to the coastal waters.

California had done the same thing , and killed off the bees that the farmers needed to pollinate their crops. The farmers had to import bees from other states for the pollination of their crops. I understand as of now the State of Deleware is going through the same thing. Thanks to Government. Da knows was good fur us , da's de gov't. aint day .

If the lable on the poison can say's Neurotoxin or hemotoxin stay away from it , that poison can be absorbed into the body through the skin. And it will do what it is supposed to do, maybe not today or tomorrow , but some time down the line .

The GEEZER has spoken


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