Friday, December 09, 2005

This old Geezer

Would like to wish every one a

Merry Christmas


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

What AM I

Am I left, in the middle , or on the right. I'm a , lock and load and " Hang em high " guy. Grab your boot straps and pull your self up. What am I.? My two uncles were conservative Republicans. One was the head accountant for Con Ed. in New York city, and my other uncle was the chief of Detectives for Nassau co. on Long Island N.Y.. My mother , bless her soul, was what you call a Yellow Dog Demacrate and often said " If they would put up the Donkey ,she would vote for it." Well Mom that doesn't say much for your party, that you and the whole Democratic would vote for an Ass. Well Mom they did , back in the nineties , a lyer, and a coward with a three way yellow streak, deep , wide and continuous.

I voted for John F. Kennedy ,and L.B. Johnson. J.F.K. wore a suit when he was in the oval office. and if he did cheat on his wife you didn't hear about it . He also donated his yearly salary to charity . He stood off the Russians at Cuba , but also had a failed invasion of Cuba. He sent troops to Viet Nam as advisors. He , him self was a hero of the second World War, as was his brother Joe. And J.F.K. was a champion of civil rights. L.B. Johnson became President after President Kennedy was assinated. and L.B.J. escalated the war in Veit Nam. Better over there than here it was said. On his reelection campaign President Johnson said he would never do what his Republican opponent would do , Barry Goldwater. Mr. Johnson did what his opponent said he would do . Escalate the war . President Johnson came from Texas and among his many friends were oil men. and one of them pulled off a big con job , of selling oil , it was a shell game that he got caught at. I wont say that President Johnson was in voled in this man's scheme for millions of dollars but they were good friends and Johnson could pull strings. You don't get rich as a politician on politician's pay , but yet a lot of them retire young and rich , wonder how that works. Johnson was one of the old time boy's twist arms and blackmail to get things done. The Good Ole Boy net work. I had voted for Johnson an Kennedy . What am I.?

In the middle sixties there was a Mayor of Newburg New York . I think he was Republican. He as mayor decided that , before anyone , who is on Welfare in his city will have to work for the city of Newburg if they want to collect a wefare check in his city. I didn't know this man , but right away I liked him. Those on Welfare had to sweep the city streets and pick up trash in the city parks , in general help keep the city clean. Low maintenance work which freed the city personal to concentrate on more serious jobs. Like water sewer and road repaire. Ah , but the Democratic liberal's, didn't like that Idea. And what did these civic minded people do. They nailed the mayor to the barn door. Why? because they thought that the lazy didn't have to work to collect welfare. What did they crucify the mayor with? That he took a bribe . The mayor had a good friend that owned a Caddilac car dealer ship. And as friends he sold the mayor a Caddilac on a private friend to friend note , no interest and for what he the dealship paid for the car, and the note to run for three years.
The Democratic Liberal's said that the mayor took a bribe , showed favoritism to a car dealer ship. an so on and so on. I was rooting for the mayor. What am I.?

Richard M. Nixon became President after Johnson. During his administration , the Viet Nam war ended. He opened trade with China I think and got caught by authorizing a break in at the Democratic head quaters.
he was called a crook and so on . But several months before he left , his Vice president had to resign from office on charges that he took bribes while he was the Gov. of Maryland. In his place came Gerald R. Ford. a good man ,and claean as a whistle. and he kept it that way. President Nixon resigned his position as President of the United States, because of that break in. The Democrats were waiting for him to make a mistake, he did and they ponced on him like a jackal on fresh meat. Gerald R. Ford became President and for Vice President he had Nelson Rockefeller take his place. A position I think was bought and paid for. But no body hollered, and Rockefeller went down in history as V.P. of the United States.
I didn't vote for Nixon . What am I.?

Next came Jimmy Carter , the Democratic Gov. of Alabama. I thought that he would be as good if not better than John F. Kennedy. During the four years that President Carter was in office he never brought shame to it in any way shape or form . He respected the That office. But what Mr. Carter did was cut the funding to the Military to where they were lucky they could afford to put gas and oil in their trucks and tanks and ships an planes. They were cut to the bone. Interest rates increased on personal loans, to fifteen percent and more Mortgage rates reached twenty one percent ( 21%) People on moderate incomes couldn't afford to buy a home. I know , my friend sold real estate and went bust. Welfare roles increased and unemployment rose to twelve percent. ( 12% ) In the Southern states , up to seventeen percent in some area's (17% ) My wife and I started a business at this time , along with the regular jobs that we had , and we had to work most times eighteen hours a day, (18) seven ( 7 ) days a week to make ends meet . Then our Embassy was attacked in Iran and its people were held captive by the Iranians. Our country men were tortured everyday, in one form buor another. The Carter Admn. pleaded and begged to let our people go , offered money and goods but to no avial . After six months or more a rescue mission was launched . The Helicopters that were used for this mission , some of them crashed in the desert of Iran. Why? because of the budget cuts to the military . There were no replacement parts for the helicopters, to keep them above marginal operation. Eight soldiers died that day , in the crashes. The rescue mission failed. The Iranians danced in the streets. and tormented our people even more.
I voted for this man . What am I ?

Mr. Carters term in office was coming to an end, and he was running for reelection. The Republicans were useing Mr. Ronald Regan for their nominee. And I thought to my self we are doomed as a country, we have run our course . One man was incompetent, and the other was an actor. Who could you vote for?
Of course the Democrats were pushing Jimmy Carter. At least he had some experence in the job. Then it came to my attention that the NAACP were pushing for Mr. Carter, as well as those on unemployment. Then the countries of EAst Germany , France , Russia, Iraq, Iran , and so on , and then Cuba , all of the enemies of the United States wanted us to keep Mr. Carter as President of the United States. Mr. Regan said that if he was elected President of the United States , Iran would have twenty four ( 24 ) hours to free our people.
Guess who I voted for. What am I.?

Mr Regan was elected as President of the United States. When he took over Interest rates on 3o year mortagages were 21 % personal loans were 16% Welfare roles were high as was unemployment . He proposed lowering taxes and interest rates . He said it would be a trickle down effect but it would get the country back on its feet. but it would take time. Thirty day's later a member of the congress a democrate stood up and said see it isn't working , nothing has happened put things back the way they were. That was a good show of ignorance. No. In the years that followed the Berlin wall fell, Communism fell, interest rates fell as did the welfare and unemployment roles. Our Military got built up Our self esteem grew through out the world. And any country that messed with us got it back double in spades. After four years Mr. Regan ran for reelection.
I voted for him . What am I.?
His second four years were just as good , but his health started to go down and the good people of the Democratic party started to ridicule him because of it . He would dose off and become forgetful. He died of it not knowing anybody or anything. But that didn't matter to the Democrats. knock him down anyway.
Mr. Regan had won both Presidential Elections by a ninety five (95) percent of the vote.

George H. Bush became President after Mr. Regan. It ran pretty smooth until the Iraq's decided to invade Kewaite . and they devasted that country. Mr. Bush told them to get back where they came from , or we would push them back . Six months later we did just that. But the war cry from the Democratic Liberals was , that this was about oil and nothing but oil. Well duh , yeah, it was . But no oil , no jobs, no cars , no industry , no heat, no electric. no nothing. Then what do we do. Can't they , the Democratic LIberals think that far , or is all of the yelling a ploy for a power play. A way to spread their hate and discredit the other guy. They have become experts at that , I have seen.When the invading army was pushed back over the border we stopped , The libs. yelled see he didn't follow through. Well the plan was to push them back over to their side. to continue served no purpose but to destroy a helples army, and for what reason. And while we were over there protecting American interest and jobs , our Troops weren't allowed to pratice their faith, it had to be done in secret. It is against the law to have any other faith but Muslim. but I didn't hear any liberal holler about that. Now did we. Mr. Bush made a mistake when he said no more taxes , read my lips. The Democrats in congress baggered him so bad to raise taxes, because of this and or that , that he did raise taxes. Then the back stabers jumped him. and said "see he said read my lips no more taxe's " and he went back on his word. And because of this he lost his reelection .
I voted for him . What Am I.?

Bill Clinton was elected to the Presidential office , he won by a margin of forty three percent (43%) Mr. Bush had forty one Percent (41%) this was in a three way race for the office. Mr. Clinton said the vote was a mandate for him . I don't know how he figured that , he didn't get fifty one percent of the vote. Fifty Seven percent (57 % ) didn't vote for him. He was Gov. of Ark . and a lot of baggage came with him graft bribes payoffs rape theft the rumor of protecting the drug lords of Ark. Mrs. Clinton invested $1ooo. 00 dollars one day in cattle futures. and the next day was collecting a Hundred thousand dollars on her investment. I don't know about you but that SMELLED LIKE A PAY OFF TO ME. But he was a Liberal Democrat and there for could do no wrong. While you and thousands like you served in Viet Nam this man dodge the draft and ran to England. Here he was supposed to enroll in Oxford College. It shows that he was enrolled there but little else. But records and pictures show that he protested the war in Viet Nam and burnt. the American Flag. and went to Russia our enemy at the time and did the same thing. You were serving in Viet Nam when he did this. But now all the Democrats voted for him ,living and dead. During his reign in office he raised taxes , and interest rates, a little smoke and mirrors trick. Like he cut two hundred and fifty jobs from one of the depts of the fed gov't. but what he didn't tell you is that he moved them to another dept. That he created. Mid night basketball , remember that. He reduced the welfare rolls , woo hoo, he just moved them over to the social security dept. That's why its going broke. We got the sick , lame and lazy on it. He cut the military budget.
He didn't like the military any way . He had jobs to fill to pay back favors , how do you do that , fire the people who have been doing their job for ten years or more and put in your incompetent friends and relatives.
Mrs . Clinton had the travel bureau personal fired on the pretext of their incompetence and for embezzlement both charges were untrue . The man in charge of that dept. was charge with both . and fired . He was also black balled ,and was unable to get another job , he lost his house , family, and all that he had . He tried to sue the Clintons for their slander and lies. but no law firm would take the job because of reprisals . Ah the good ole democratic party. In the eight years that followed , His wife tried to shove social medicine down our throat. Welfare increased , unemployment only went up a little . That was because of the sucess of the Eighties with industry. our embassy's were bombed , he tried to fight back but only suceeded in bombing the chinese embassy and almost put us in a war with them. He had another building bombed but only killed a few janitors. Ben Larden who mastered all of this couldn't be found, but two reporters did and interviewed him. Mrs. clinton's sec. was found dead in one of the parks . It was classified that the man killed himself. ha ha. Classified material dissapeard and round and round we go murder , rape , bribes, payoffs and look how good I am. And the man commited purgery under oath , and yet he remained in office. He defiled the office with another woman, didn't have the decency to go some where else . Cheated on his wife. Not once but many times. I offten wondered how he got reelected , I guess the liberal democrats found out how to get the dead to vote. This mans list goes on and on .
I did not vote for this man. What am I.?

At the end of his reign Mr. George W. Bush was elected to the Office as President. I thought it was nice the way he escorted the Clintons off the property. But the out going personal of the Clintons , the good Democrats that they are , Trashed what offices and equipment they could , even wrote on the walls in the halls . What kind of people were these people to do this. The only thing I can think of is Trailer Park White Trash. A blight on all the good people in the Democratic party.
Mr. Bush had his work cut out for him . Unemployment was starting to rise at the end of the Clinton Admn. so were interest rates. The economy was starting to slow down . Mr. Bush cut taxes that Clinton raised , and gave every one a rebate check back on their taxes . About $6oo.oo per working person. My Yellow dog Democratic friends knocked Mr. Bush for doing this and said it wont work . I told them that if thats the way they felt about the rebate check , to send it back. These good ole boy's didn't they kept it and cashed it bitching an complaining all the while. Good democrats. No?
On Sept 11 2001 we were attacked by Arabs , we struck back. and then we struck Iraq. We had false information , and it was from the previous Admn . W M D we were told so we protected our selve and the countries around Iraq from a Mad man. One who killed five thousnd of his own people in a experiment. one who tortured and murderd all who opposed him in any way. Again the cry was heard It's for oil , right you are my friend . With out it we all die. Mr. Bushe's service record is questioned . He had served in the air force reserve. This man was in service for his country, he could fly a fighter . Unlike his predecessor who dodge the draft and burnt the American flag in England and in Russia. The Good democtrats didn't say anything about that. Did they? In the Democratic fashion they are doing all they can to discredit any one in the Republican party. As in the case of Mr. Delay. And the man pushing Mr. Delay has been eaten up with the hates for the Republicn party that he can't see straight. He has been trying to find something for the past ten years and prosecute the Republican Senators from Texas. and the Governor, and any one else that he can find that doesn't belong to the Democratic party.

From what I have seen in the past years of the Democratic party is shameful. They can do nothing but call the opposition names and do their best to discredit them. And more democrats have changed parties because of this, and thats a shame. A shame for the democratic party.

I have voted Republican for the past twenty years. What am I ?

I beleive in an eye for an eye and atooth for a tooth. If you should , rob , rape , torture, and murder my and female member of my family. I believe that in twenty four hours after you are tried and convicted you will die the way you killed. Not die of old age on death row. If you steal from me , you pay me back ten times the amount . When illegale aliens come into this country the only thing they are entitiled to is the air. Not houseing , meds or food or clothes . When they cross the border and they are caught first time , send them back. Second time six months in jail keeping our roads in good repair. Of course the Democratic unions will yell your taking away American jobs. If we let them stay they are taking away American jobs. The third time send them back in a body bag. I'm for protecting our borders with any means possible , National Guard, or Army Reserves. or the Army it's self. I'm for let me pray to my God and you pray to yours , but don't try to force yours on me. We will go toe to toe. if you do the crime you can do the time , no early out. I'm for discipline our children, so that they will learn respect for them selves and others. and my list goes on and on.

So you know what I stand for and how I feel .

What am I?

Peter B. Free