Monday, October 30, 2006

I guess I was about seven or eight when I had my first tast of alcohol . I must of liked it , because I didn't spit it out. I didn't drink it to often only when my adults were having a party or friends over for a visit. I drank either whiskey - scotch or Irish Whiskey, or Bourbon or beer. In my teen years it was mostly beer , In high school , you know. be one of the boys . Sometimes at a party , I'd get tied up with some whiskey and then forget my name. In the Army I did both , mostly over sea's in Germany .. Got all messed up with German whiskey and beer, which I did to gether all to often. The fourteen day boat ride back to America dried me out .
When I got out of the Army , I didn't seem to drink that much , any way not to the point where I was drunk . At least not fallen down drunk. After I got married it was a beer with my dinner or when I was with some friends, but not to much. I still drank whiskey now and then , just enough to keep in touch. since I have been married , I have only been drunk real bad to where I was sick and out of controll of my self. The bad headache after the last one held me back from getting that way again.

As time passed and I aged , I have become allergic first to whiskey which I like to sip on when I would come home from work . Just one in a glass with an ice cube with enough whiskey to cover the ice cube. first the scotch turned aganist me , then the Irish whiskey , then the bourbon , then the beer. I would get a bad headache before I finished half of the whiskey , and the same with the beer. So I thought if I can't enjoy it why drink any of it .. And to tell the truth , I do miss not having a shot of whiskey over ice or one in a cup of coffee and a cold beer with a pizza.

Some asked me once if I abused alcohol . I thought about that for a while and here is what I came up with.

I kept my whiskey in a bottle in a velvet bag. sometimes in a case with two glasses. I always did my best to keep it cool . I never gulp it , I only sipped it, and drank it slowly , to savor its flavor. I always protected my bottle from harm. and only let people who enjoyed drinking whiskey to share what I had .
And what did whiskey do for me.
It gave me a headache more often than not. and an upset stomach , made me woozy , blurred my vision , made me walk funny , and talk funny, made the bed spin around , and in the morning made my body shaky. and nothing would taste right. Then later on in life turned aganist me by making me allergic to it.

AND you ask me if I abused alcohol. I loved alcohol , but I was the one that was abused. I'm the victum here .



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