Sunday, January 22, 2006


Onec again the fearles leader of New Orleans has gotten himself into hot water. a few weeks ago he complained about the Mexicans coming in a taking jobs away from the Black Americans . these jobs were clean up the damage of homes and start to rebuild . of course these jobs were dangerous to health but these people were willing to take that chance. The Black Americans didn't even bother to come back and look for a job Why work when you have free room and board. Mr. Mayor , they didn't have or want a job before when they had a place to live and a bottle of wine. Why should they now. The Gov't taking care of them as before.

Now he wants a chocolate city, mean while the Mexicans who are rebuilding the city are moving in . and before this he has been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. he and the chief of police both of whom are African Americans, have been claiming and getting funding from the Federal Government mony for PHANTOM police officers. According to the liberal press , about 700 of them. The Good Mayor said that the money was being used for electronics to help control crime. I don't think that has help to much since they are the highest city in the UNITED STATES in crime. Let's see if you take the salary of a police officer say 20,000.00 per year and times it by 700 Thats an awful lot of computers and camera's . NO. Me thinks that some of this money , alright most of this money was falling into some political pockets like the Mayor , and the Poilce Chief. I havent heard the liberal democratic press do any yelling about this . I wonder why. Maybe its their boy and they are getting some good donations from this. And they are bringing Tom Delay up on charges of supposed money laundrying . Doesnt it make you wonder?? since it was only mentioned once that I know of on all of the News stations. I can see why he wants his people back , they cause the crime and he can justify the money, Can you see it now a Manikin on every street corner dressed as a police man. complete with fake gun . Maybe he should get some fake bad guy's too. just to keep the A C L U happy and just maybe the police chief would like the mayor to keep his mouth shut. They had a good thing going until Katrina came along , its showing where a lot of federal money is not going. is it not?

There should be an investigation into this I think . Who could lead this investigation, Joe Biden nah , Ten Kennedy nah , he has blood on his hands , Bill Clinton , maybe , he knows about bribes and graft and the meaning of is ,so does his wife. Jesse Jackson , he has a child out of wed lock , his secretary I think How about Al Sharpten I think thats how you spell his name , he and his buddy put FOUR POLICE OFFICERS in prison on false charges. How about the lawyer who brought Tom Delay up on charges . thats a thought. It can't be a Repubican , the roar will go up that they are out for vengence or something along that line.

Its a dilemma isn't it.


Friday, January 06, 2006


There are times when I have a reafirmation in my beliefs that there is a God and that there are Guardian Angels that watch over us and guide us. A few years ago , a man , my wife and I would come in contact with , now and then at the Rail Road Dept. of Texas Utilities Generating power plat. I know we know him because of our job as contrators for Texas Utilities. But I'm sorry to say I can't recall his name, but then , our contacts with are short , where only the pleasantries of the day are exchanged. From what I have heard of this man , he was a good man , God fearing , easy going ,dependable ,respected and loved by his family. He drove a bull dozer for the Company, moving dirt around and doing what a bull dozer does. On his last extended seven day's off , he visited with each and every member of his family . With each visit , he made it one of bonding and love with each family member. Two day's after he returned to work , he was running his bulldozer , it was late at night. For some reason unkown he got to close to a deep pit full of water. His dozer got to close to the edge , he and his machine slipped over the edge. He died that night . His sudden death was a shock to his family and friends. He left them , his family , they knowing that he loved all of them . For some strange reason he said his good bye to all the week before. He didn't know the week before that he was going to die, but his Guardian Angel did. I beleive as other's do , that his Angel led him to say good bye to his loving family.

Another incident I know of personally . A young man who lived in my area , here in the country . We went to the same church, he was a good friend of my son , they both went to school together for 12 years and graudated together. Darrell Donaldson is his name. Darrell was one of my son's friend's that he buddied with, They hunted , camped and partied to gether, along with their other close friends. One of Darrell's loves was hunting and the great out doors. I remember one incident , my son and I were talking about. Darrell was on his way to school one morning , driving his landcruiser , beside him was his trusty forty four mag. single action pistole. Darrell happen to see a wolf in a pasture that he was driving by. He stopped his landcruiser rolled down the window and took a shot at the wolf. He missed. Darrell laid his pistole down on the on the seat beside him and it went off . It put a hole in the vehicles heater , the bullet then glanced off of the motor and out through the right fender blowing out the headlight on its exit. The lesson he learned from this , was not to cock the hammer until your ready to shoot. Another incedent my son told me , Darrell was driving along drinking a soda from a glass bottle. When he got done he threw it out the window , only trouble was the window was closed at the time. The window broke. My son recalled the time that he and Darrell went hunting in the White oak bottom, for wild hogs. It was New Years Eve. 1983 , The slept in the back of my sons El Camino , and in the morning over a breadfast by a camp fire , watched a beautiful sunrise.

Darrell had move on since that time and every now and then he would stop and visit with my wife and I . He had married , had two sons and a doughter. lived in Brady Texas at the time and was working for an Oil Company. Because of his love for the outdoors and hunting ,Darrell would take underprivilege children camping and teach them about nature. His love for the out doors helped him form , with another man a hunting guide service in Alaska. This worked out fine for Darrell . His Boss at the Oil Company found out about this service and had Darrell and his partner entertain customers of the Oil Company , to a guided hunt in Alaska. That was ten years ago. Five years ago Darrell's father died. and month after that his partner died in a plane crash in Alaska. On Dec 23rd of 2005 Darrell stopped by to see my wife and I. She wasn't home at the time , shopping. We had a long visit. in which I found out he had sold his guide service, and in the past few monts had to have brain surgery. He had a tumor on his brian. He said he was recuperating right now . He spoke of the many good times he has had at our home and how much he love us and his friend , my son Chris. And that he considered My wife and I his , second mother and father an honor to be sure. I asked Darrell what he was doing up here in this neck of the woods and his response was to see all of his family and tell them how much he loved them and how much they ment to his life. When he left he gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, and told me to tell Chris , his friend to call him or he would give him a good ole country boy whuppin. He left driving toward Mt. Vernon , waving goodbye , on his way to see another family member.

Darrell died on New Years Eve , the 31 of December. He is forever 43.

When I told my son about Darrell's death on New Years Eve , my son said that on that day he had watched a sunrise , and remembered the sunrise that he and Darrell watched by a campfire in White Oak buttom.

I beleive that Darrell's Guardian Angel led him to the one's that he loved , so he could say how much he loved them and unknown to him say goodbye. AN EARTHY AND SPIRITUAL GOODBYE.

God bless you Darrell , Where ever you are.

Your second mother and father

Bryan and Wally and your friend Chris.

Monday, January 02, 2006


I have been reading the comic strips since I was able to look at the pictures and have some one read them to me. I remember as a child , that there use to be a man on radio , on Saturday mornings who would read the comics to us little kids. And not once did I hear of anything POLITICAL . I don't remember any strip as being POLITICAL in any way. A POLITICAL comic strip is not for children , unless it is aimed at brainwashing children to gain future point of view for a certain Political party.

Children don't understand the Political barbs that these strips send out nor should they. My Question now is , Why aren't these POLITICAL comic strips on the Political page of the new paper or the Editorial page where they belong. Strips like Candor ville , Doonsberry, and Boondocks. I read the comic strips for amusement not for Poiltical commentary.

Peter B. Free


I agree with Rep Sam Johnson of Plano Texas, about the use of torture, but not in random acts for sadistical pleasure or revenge. If it is known that a prisoner has vital information that would bring about the close of a war or an attack , that would save the live's of soldiers on both sides , and the lives of innocent men , women and children , and the distruction of their homes and lively hood. I'm for it . It should be done. What is worse , the death and maiming soldiers and civilians , forcing the men who are to old to fight and the women and cildren to live on the street as refugees with no food ,water , shelter ,or clothes. and to live that way for who knows how long. I know of these people , my wife was one of them in the second world war. As a child on the move , she has told me how she and her sisters would beg for food, sleep in a door way , and play a game with dead bodies , match the body parts to the body. I have lived with men and their families who had fought in the first world war to the viet nam war . And their night mares were all the same .

So tell me now , which would be best to have one man scream in pain and save hundreds perhaps thousands from a different kind of torture, or to let him live as a P O W with all the comforts the others wont have in the future.

And if he should tell the secrets that he knows that would bring a conflict to an end , give this man the best medical treatment that can be had both physical and mental . Reguard this man as a hero in our land and his, for he has saved hundreds of lives. And let him and his family live with out want, because of the terrible pain he has endured and has to live with, and the feeling that he is a traitor to his country.

What do you think?

Peter B. Free