Friday, March 31, 2006


I'm third generation Irish in this country, my Grandfather came from Irland ,county cork , in 1874. My Grandmother about the same time. Thats on my mother's side. On my father's side I'm the ninth generation , German, in this country. After nine generations on his side , no telling what is mixed in my blood line. They didn't come here with their hand out looking for a free ride. In my growing up , I have lived in many neighbor hoods where my neighbors came from different countries and spoke other languages other than English. I have had many friends whose parents came from different countries. They brought with them skills and knowledge , and asked for nothing. They did not have their hand out looking for a free ride. They learned English , but kept their native tongue for their family and friends.

Now we have the latin's sneaking in to our country, they bring with them nothing ,but the idea of getting something for free. They refuse to learn English, they refuse to have medical insurance, they refuse to get a drivers license , or drive a car that is registered , or have insurance on the car that they drive, they refuse to pay taxes , They want everything done for them in their language, They collect welfare and have their babies for free, and they send their money that they made here back to mexico. And the American people are paying for these sneak in's. They are sucking us dry. They are now protesting our laws and waving their countries flag as they march down the street in protest. What Would Happen If We Did That In heir Country. Give you Three guess's .

I think these people should be rounded up and sent back to mexico at their expense, or bill the mexican gov't for the cost, it's their gov't that is telling them how to get here and what to do once they do get here. We are called bad people because some of us want to protect our borders from ILLEGALS. ISN'T THAT JUST TOO BAD. If I had my way , and many AMEROCANS agree with me , The first time they are caught sneaking into this country, take them back, and bill the mexican gov;t for our time and cost . The second time they are caught sneaking into our country, six months on a chain gang, fixing our roads and taking care of our parks. then ship them back and bill the mexican gov't for our cost. The third time they are caught sneaking into our country, SHOOT THEM. may be then they will learn that you have to come into this country in a legal manner. That may also slow down the drug trade. The Farmers and Ranchers that are along the border are afraid for their lives and that of their families ,because of these sneak in's . The guides that bring these people in have told the American Farmers and Ranchers , that if they interfere with their movements across their land , they will be shot ,as will their families, and their animals , there homes set on fire. and their crops destroyed.

I say put our military along the border and build a fence , and if any one should cross it , shoot to kill. show no pity.


Peter B. Free

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Why Once More.

Every now and then the subject of people , Americans , that have to leave this country for better health care. And they are treated better and come back to this country better , health wise then when they left. Why is this . Why does the Health dept. prevent these procedures that are life saving? Who controlls this , and WHY. Can any one give me an answer.

Peter B. Free