Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hurricanes KATRINA & RITA

These two big bad girls aren't fading into the sunset like all the others.

Just the other day it was reported in the Dallas Morning News that a convoy of three school busses with 200 hundred evacuee's on it from Boumont, Tx , were running from Rita. They said that they were turned away in six towns , while they were looking for shelter. They said that one town gave them some food but didn't have enough for everbody. These evacuee's are now complaining that they weren't treated to food and shelter. I guess that no one told them that these towns were full with evacuee's from Katrina. and that these relatives of them ate all the food. They also complained that it took them three day's to get to Dallas , a two hundred and fifty mile trip, and that most times they had to use the side of the road to relieve them selves. I don't think any town , church, or civic center would refuse any one at that time bathroom time. Getting off the track a little bit I have a question about that. How come we can eat and drink in public side by side , but when your on the road and you get caught short, so to speak, if you use the side of the road , a near by tree or bush, your aresseted for indecent exposer. Seem's like there is more places to put it in and very few to let it out.

They also complained that convience stores would close and lock the doors when they saw them pull up.
Well I would lock my doors too if I saw two hundred hungry ,mad people , show up on my door step . They were proably scared knowing what happened in New Orleans. They probably thought that they wouldnt have anything left on the shelves and nothing paid for. and no one in charge of the group.

I feel for all of those people , but the towns that they stopped at were full so you can't blame them. The person to blame is the one that was in charge of your convoy. He or she didn't have a plan or notify the proper authroities of what they were doing or where they were going. I feel that you have no complaints , only against your leader.

In New Orleans I have heard a disturbing story many times over. Home owners , in the aftermath of
Katrina , choose to stay in their homes , and protect their property and them selves from Looter, Robbers, Murder'ers and Rapist. Were forced and some dragged out of their homes in handcuffs, and arrested and their firearms taken away . And this happened in AMERICA not some other country. It's getting closer America , WAKE UP.

Peter B. Free

Monday, October 17, 2005


As I was saying my Wife and I were wanting to get our Flu shots for the up and coming season. S
Before I finished what I was saying , my speech got posted, why ? I don't know, I'm not a conputer whiz, I only whiz in the bath room or on a tree.
he called our Doctors office , then she called the local Hospital then the V A clinic. and then our local Drug store where we got them last year. We were told that they wouldn't have them available until the 28th of this month October. The V A said they wouldn't be availabel until the 2nd of November. I guess that's this year.

I would like to know from the DEPT OF HEALTH , WHY ....
How come , starting on the 21st of this month , FOLEY'S DEPT STORES AND BED BATH & BEYOND STORES AND MATTRESS GIANT STORES , thats a good one, and BALLY'S TOTAL FITNESS CLUBS . I and and every one else can get a FLU SHOT AT A DEPARTMENT STORE. THEY ARE NOT A MEDICAL FICILITY , at least they wern' t the last time I looked. AND how did they get the FLU VACCINE befor the all the Medical Treatment plants.

" I think I know ", said the wee little pig. " Money". At TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS A POP, and so many people , running scared . You do the math. and it only takes a five minutes . And guess what folks , maybe you'll shop some in there store . Yes. and spend some more money . What the heck , whip out that credit card . Christmas is coming.

How come I don't hear the DO GOODER'S yelling about this.

Peter B. Free


My Wife and I have been calling our Doctors office , and our local Hospital, and The V A clinic, and our Drug store, so we could get our Flu shots for the up coming season. We were told that they wouldn.t have them available until the 27th of October, the V A said not until the 2nd of November.

Now can the Health Dept. tell me why I can get a Flu shot starting on the 21st of October at FOLEY'S DEPT STORES, BED ,BATH & BEYOND STORES, MATTRESS GIANT STORES , that's a good one, and BALLY'S TOTAL FITNESS CLUBS. How come these DEPT. STORES have FLU SHO

Saturday, October 15, 2005


I was thinking the other day , while my wife , Wally and I were riding through the Texas Countside ,about how nice it would be to hitch up a small flatbed trailer , twenty foot or so no longer or shorter, to a farm tractor. And on the flatbed have tent, for privacy concerns and sleeping, and a comfortable camp chair , a reclining one. Three of them at least. A camp table and the rest of your camping needs. Then you and your wife or who ever you choose to be with , travel along the back roads of Texas, in a relax state of mind and take pictures and view the beauty of nature , and just let your mind wonder. Of course some one would have to drive who is of like mind.

But in today's world , it's just an old Geezers muse.

Peter B. Free

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Who Else You Robbing

My neighbor who lives across the road from me, bought the two bedroom brick and ten acres of land eight years ago. And he paid top current value at that time for the property. I don't think he said to the real estate agency " Who else you robbing." Then he bought a tractor , I don't know if it is new or used, but then I don't think he said " Who else you robbing." Then he bought three hundred sapling peach trees. Again where ever he bought them I don't theink he said "Who else you robbing".

He could have used help in planting these trees, but who would he get , a you robbing guy . Who is supposed to show up at eight and not get there untill nine, want a brake at ten , lunch at twelve, you feed. A brake at three and then GONE AT FOUR. He would want to drive the tractor and you use the shovel. What ever he would be paid , hes comment would be " You have to much work here old man, you need to pay me more." And why do we have to do it this way, its to hot to do this, I have a date tonight so I have to leave early, your crazy old man, and " get your self another boy." Over the years I have heard the excuses and the comments from the " Who else you robbing Guy's.

My neighbor , Brother Bob , I call him , is up at five in the morning , and working his orchid at six and works until , sometimes an hour after dark thirty. He tends to each an every tree. Pruning, weeding, watering,spraying, and mowing, six days a week and on Sundays also when it is necessary. He has thousands of dollars tied up in Equipment, property and plants. His Butt is on the line to the mortgage lender. It takes four to five years before he can harvest and sell one peach. Thats four years with out a pay check , four years , no vacation or days off . No holidays off either. When he is able to sell his harvest he sits in his hot stand all day waiting for customers. When they pull up in cars or trucks that are three years old or less, to buy the fruit of his labors, I hear, " Who else you robbing."

Let's compare job's , Brother Bob gets up at five in the mornig. You the customer get up at six. Bro. Bob is working his land at six. You clock in at work at eight and start to work at nine. You get a break at ten and you are the first one in the break roomand the last one out. Lunch is the same , first one in last one out, during which you borrow food and or money for the vending machine. Three O'clock the same action and at fifteen minutes before quitting time your standing in front of the time clock ready to punch out and leave after a ha, ha eight hour day. You demand time and one half for your over timeand double time on Holidays for your ha, ha , labor. You live in a one room apt. with your hand out to you parents or friends, your credit cards are at there limit. In comparing you with my neighbor , I ask you this question


To Brother Bob and the rest of the farmers I say this


Peter B. Free


I have an old friend by the name of Les. We were in high school together , and graduated , a long time ago. 1954 to be exact. He's a curmudgeon , but at his age he can be . I think he's a grumpy old curmudgeon. Me I'm just an old geezer, At our age I guess we become one or the other and we look at things different, and thats good. But I thimk I'd rather be a geezer. He likes to criticize our government , its policies and the people taking care of thoes policies , from the top down. He watches for them to make mistakes then he goes for the throat. AND THAT IS A GOOD THING , as Martha would say. It lets the people running our Gov't know that they are being watched. And I beleive he works both sides of the fence. And my friend is good at what he does. Politics is a passion for him for me it is not , only when the Gov't does something that ticks me off. Les and I can watch our Gov't better now because we don't have job to worry about or a family to raise ,that tends to get in the way of a watch dog.

The other day he jumped on Mr. Delay , probably has good cause too. But to me he done may be against the law in Texas but alright in another state. So that doesn't bother me all that much To me it's just one Party trying to drag down the other Party. And in doing so they don't do our country any good. It just gives our enemies more ammunition to crticize and drag us down. My Curmudgeon friend also criticzed the man who made the deal with the cruise ships . to give the Katrina refugees a place to live for how long I don;t know , I guess untill the two hundred and sixty five million dollars. runs out . Neither of us were in the room when that deal was made , but when I heard it the only thing I could think of is ,"There's a Corporation that is making a windfall profit." and some one is getting a kick back . I wonder who , and if it will be split among thoes involved. In my mind I'm thinking that the President said to his secretary get thoes people food, clothing and shelter. And the Cruise line saw an easy profit and made a offer . I'm also thinking that this cruise line doesn't want these ships any more. Just think fifteen hundred welfare people on a cruise ship with the attudide that the Government "Owes me." and " This is how the Rich man lives." The Crews must have been thinking Mutiny , and get the C E O and make him walk the plank. Fifteen hundred people on a cruise ship in the middle of the Gulf and another Hurricane comes in and t h e r e s n o p l a c e t o g o. The Sharks would be thing "CHOW TIME." There would be a school of sharks following that ship ten miles long . Maybe that was the plan. And while we are on the subject I learned the other day that in some respects that it is cheaper to live on a cruise ship than in a nurseing home. Heck why not , you have three hots a day plus a twenty four hour snack bar. Entertainment every night. A Hosp of limitid means but a Hosp. Movies , Tv a library ,dancing every night an open bar, and if you are still into the sex thing , you would be like a kid in a candy shop and every thing is free. Woo Hoo.

Back to the ship. I would like to know ,that if these rooms are not used by the refugees when this is all over , is the cruise line going to give our Gov't a refund . Or will we be billed as the staterooms are used. and will we be billed for any damages that are done.

I'm an OLD GEEZER and that's how I think . And I think I have more fun at it than an OLD CURMUDGEON , even tho he is more versed at this than I am. Old Geezer's and Old Crumudgeon can live in the same space ,and still have fun doing it . We can be a thorn in the side of Gov't , we have to be , to keep them straight.

Peter B. Free

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ?

Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ?


A good friend of mine , a classmate of old , wrote a muse about the end of Gasoline and how we might revert back to the time of sixty or seventy years ago. and how we would use a bicycle more and ride horses more for transportation. An interesting concept. But the more I thought about it the more I thought about how the Oil Company's have put us in this position. Instead of trying to make our lives easyer they have made it a little more stress ful and more expensive to live and enjoy life.

When I was in my teenage years before I could drive , I had heard of a man who had immergrated from Germany , this was in the nineteen fifties around one or two . He lived in Canada I think. Any way he had invented a carborator that would give a car seventy miles to a gallon of gas. We never heard another thing about it , some one said that the Oil Company's bought his invention and made him retire. The European cars at that time were getting 30 miles to a gallon and the American cars ,average maybe 20 miles to a gallon. Over the years I have had a Volkswagan and a Fiate. bothe gave me thirty to thirty to thirty five miles to a gallon , depending on which way I was heading into the wind. While the American Cars I had still only gave me twenty and one or two I could only get ten per gallon. In Nineteen sixty six I started to learn to fly , and would buy Plane and Pilot magizine. one day I came acrossed an article about the Wrenkel Brothers from Sweden . They had the rotary engine that was use in some of the Japanese cars. What they had now was and engine that they had sealed with a fuel of some sort . But the system worked like this. When the engine was turned over the fuel would compress and vaporise , be exploded by and electric spark , it would then go into a collection chamber where it would condense back into a liquid to be used again. It had reached three thousand rpm and still had room to go higher. The life of the fuel was guaranteed for FIFTY THOUSAND MlES . Just think of what the military could save on gas with this engine and the Air lines. and the public.
We never heard about this any more either. I guess they were made an offer they couldn't refuse. Can you guess by who. D"uhhhh.

In the nineteen Seventy's around seventy one or two, in a little town in Texas , Palestine Tx. The new reported that a man had invented a machine that would generate enough electricty to power a house that had up to two hundred amp service. This ment that each house that had one of these would be indepentent from the Electric companies. It would only cost I beleive five thousand dollars for the unit. and an average cost per year to provide your house with the electricty needed about three hundred dollars , per year. It ran on water.
This also slid into oblivion . Hmmmmm I wonder who got to him.

In the early nineteen eighty's I met a man he was in his seventies then , and we got to talking , well he did anyway ,about cars and miles per gallon .. He said as a kid growing up in Waco Tx. on his farm they would supplement some of thire income by making whiskey , moon shine. and that when they needed gas all he would do is put in five gallons of the moonshine and go to town . I think the cars back then ran on anything. He then told me that in nineteen fifty five he and his father each bought a Chevy. I for get the model. He bought his in Temple Tx and his dad in Waco. After a month he went to see his dad and asked how he like his new car. His dad said he loved it . That he got fifty miles to a gallon of gas . and to prove it they filled it up and went for a ride . A hundred miles returned to the gas station and filled up the gas tank , it only took Two Gallons. He told his father that he probably had an experimental car that was sold by mistake , and to take the car to a mechanic he knew and have the carborator taken apart and photgraphed, Because the people from the car co. would be knocking on his door ,wanting their car back. He said that his dad never did have the carborator photographed and the men from Chevy came a knocking . They got their car back and his dad got five thousand dollars and a new car every year for the rest of his life. It sure would be nice to have car like that today. Why don't we I wonder. I guess we know who is in charge of the car companies ,now . Then he told me of two men he knew of , one in El Paso Tx. and one in a smaller town I can't think of the name off hand.
But each one had invented or perfected a carborator that would give high milage to a gallon of gasoline. He said that the man in El Paso got bought out , and that the other guy put up a fence around his shop and hired a guard , twenty four hours a day. He was going to sell individualy to auto stores and such. I haven't heard or seen anything yet . So I guess went off into the sunset also rich and happy.

Its getting so that these things are getting to be like UFO sightings.
And I believe in UFO's

I think we are being taken down a rocky high dollar road by the Oil Company's .
How about you.

Peter B. Free

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Why is the question , the big question. Why is it that the people in this country who have worked all of their lives and now in their retirement years have to still work , b ecause they can't afford to pay for the medicine that they need. I have met some couples that alternate in buying their medicines. One month she gets to buy her's and the next month her husband gets to buy his. They can't afford to buy both in one month . WHY ? The cost would be $1000.00 dollars. per month every month. A doctor told me that he perscribes medicine for his patients and knows that they can't afford to buy them. WHY is this ? can some one give me an answer.

This country has people coming in from south of our border. They get MEDICAL TREATMENT for FREE. medcine for FREE, food for FREE housing for FREE and money for FREE . Thanks to the Welfare DEPT.
plus they have a job , and then they send seventy five percent of that money back SOUTH OF THE BORDER.. They live on Tortilla and beans and produce more children to get more money from our Government which it gives gladly to these sneak in's .. But to the people who have worked hard and made a contribution to this Country they get nothing. If they own a house or land they are not qualified. They have paid tax's all of their lives to help make this country great . And now they get a KICK IN THE ASS for doing so. The sneak in have given nothing to this country but are SUCKING IT DRY , the don't even want to learn ENGLISH , and want every thing done in their language. I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHY??? Can any one give me a answer.

Peter B. Free

Monday, October 03, 2005

Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ?

Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ?